The Uses of "Ought to" in English

"Ought to" is a modal verb used in English to express duty, advice, expectation, or probability. It is less commonly used than similar modal verbs like should, but it carries a slightly more formal or moral tone. This article explores the different uses of "ought to", along with examples and exercises to enhance your understanding.


12/16/20243 min read


The Uses of "Ought to" in English

"Ought to" is a modal verb used in English to express duty, advice, expectation, or probability. It is less commonly used than similar modal verbs like should, but it carries a slightly more formal or moral tone. This article explores the different uses of "ought to", along with examples and exercises to enhance your understanding.

1. To Express Advice or Suggestion

"Ought to" is often used to give advice or suggest what someone should do. It implies a sense of duty or appropriateness.


  • You ought to see a doctor if you’re feeling unwell.

  • Students ought to review their notes before the exam.

  • We ought to spend more time with our families.

2. To Indicate Duty or Moral Obligation

"Ought to" can express a sense of moral duty or what is the right thing to do.


  • We ought to respect our elders.

  • People ought to be kind to one another.

  • You ought to apologize for your mistake.

3. To Express Probability or Expectation

"Ought to" is used to indicate that something is likely or expected to happen. It suggests a reasonable expectation.


  • The train ought to arrive in five minutes.

  • She ought to pass the exam with all the effort she’s put in.

  • This book ought to be helpful for your research.

4. To Give Strong Recommendations

When offering strong recommendations, "ought to" can emphasize the importance of following the advice.


  • You ought to wear a helmet when riding a bike.

  • They ought to take better care of their health.

  • We ought to save money for emergencies.

5. To Express Criticism (Retrospective)

In a negative or critical tone, "ought to" can be used to express what someone should have done in the past but didn’t.


  • You ought to have called me before coming over.

  • He ought to have told the truth instead of lying.

  • They ought to have planned better for the trip.

6. To Ask for or Give Advice Politely

In questions, "ought to" is used to seek or offer polite advice.


  • Ought we to wait here or go inside?

  • What ought I to do in this situation?

  • Where ought we to park the car?

7. To Discuss Social Expectations or Rules

"Ought to" can be used to talk about what is generally accepted as good behavior or appropriate action according to social norms.


  • People ought to recycle to help the environment.

  • Children ought to say "thank you" when they receive a gift.

  • You ought to respect the rules of the community.

Grammar Notes

  1. Forming Sentences with "Ought to":

    • Affirmative: You ought to study harder.

    • Negative: You ought not to waste your time.

    • Question: Ought I to bring anything to the meeting?

  2. Difference Between "Should" and "Ought to":

    • Should is more common in modern English, but "ought to" can carry a stronger sense of moral obligation.

      • You should eat more vegetables. (general advice)

      • You ought to eat more vegetables. (implies it is the right thing to do)

  3. Contraction: Unlike other modal verbs, "ought to" does not have contractions (e.g., oughtn't is rarely used).

Common Phrases with "Ought to"

  • Ought to have (to express past obligation or missed opportunity):

    • I ought to have called her earlier.

  • Ought not to (negative form):

    • You ought not to make promises you can’t keep.


Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "ought to."

  1. You ________ take an umbrella; it looks like rain.

  2. We ________ leave early to avoid traffic.

  3. He ________ have finished his homework by now.

  4. They ________ be here already; the meeting started at 10 a.m.

  5. You ________ not speak to your parents that way—it’s disrespectful.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences using "ought to."

  1. It’s important to help those in need.

  2. She should visit her grandparents more often.

  3. We are expected to follow the school rules.

  4. He should apologize for being rude.

Exercise 3: Choose the correct option.

  1. You ________ (ought to / ought not to) drive so fast—it’s dangerous.

  2. The event ________ (ought to / ought not to) be over by now.

  3. ________ (Ought we to / Should we) take the bus or walk to the park?

  4. He ________ (ought to / ought not to) have studied harder for the exam.