The Uses of "Can" in English

The word can is a versatile modal verb in English, commonly used to express ability, permission, possibility, and requests. Its meaning depends on the context, but understanding how to use it effectively will enhance your communication skills. Below, we explore the various uses of can with examples and explanations.


12/16/20243 min read


The Uses of "Can" in English

The word can is a versatile modal verb in English, commonly used to express ability, permission, possibility, and requests. Its meaning depends on the context, but understanding how to use it effectively will enhance your communication skills. Below, we explore the various uses of can with examples and explanations.

1. Ability

Can is often used to express someone's ability to do something. It indicates skills or talents.


  • I can speak three languages fluently.

  • She can swim faster than anyone in her class.

  • We can finish this project before the deadline if we work together.

2. Permission

Can is used to ask for or give permission. While informal, it is widely accepted in both spoken and written English.


  • Can I borrow your book for a few days? (asking for permission)

  • You can leave early today if you finish your work. (giving permission)

  • Can we go to the park after school?

3. Possibility

Can is used to indicate that something is possible or likely to happen.


  • It can get very cold here during winter.

  • Drinking too much coffee can make you feel anxious.

  • Mistakes can happen to anyone.

4. Requests

Can is often used in polite requests. It is less formal than could but is still appropriate in many situations.


  • Can you help me with this math problem?

  • Can I use your phone for a moment?

  • Can you please pass the salt?

5. Offers and Suggestions

In some contexts, can is used to make an offer or suggest something.


  • I can help you with your homework if you’d like.

  • We can go for a walk after dinner.

6. Expressing Inability (Negative Form: Cannot or Can't)

The negative form of can is cannot or its contraction, can't. It indicates a lack of ability, permission, or possibility.


  • I cannot drive because I forgot my license.

  • You can't enter the building without a pass.

  • She can't sing very well, but she loves karaoke.

7. Talking About General Truths

Can is sometimes used to state general facts or truths about the world.


  • Exercising regularly can improve your mental health.

  • Stress can lead to health problems if not managed.

  • Learning a new skill can be both challenging and rewarding.

Grammar Tips for Using "Can"

  1. Can is always followed by the base form of the verb (e.g., can go, can see, can write).

    • Correct: She can play the piano.

    • Incorrect: She can plays the piano.

  2. The negative form is cannot (formal) or can't (informal).

  3. Can does not change form for different subjects:

    • I can, you can, he can, she can, we can, they can.


Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "can" or "can't"

  1. I ________ cook Italian food, but I’m learning.

  2. ________ you help me move this heavy box?

  3. She ________ dance beautifully; she’s been training for years.

  4. We ________ go to the concert because the tickets are sold out.

  5. Cats ________ see in the dark better than humans.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences using "can" or "can't"

  1. It is possible for me to run five kilometers.

  2. It’s not possible for her to solve this problem alone.

  3. Are you able to ride a bicycle?

  4. I’m unable to attend the meeting tomorrow.

  5. Is it possible for us to reserve a table for dinner?

Exercise 3: Choose the correct meaning of "can" in each sentence

  1. You can borrow my pen if you need it.
    a) Ability
    b) Permission
    c) Possibility

  2. He can speak Spanish fluently.
    a) Request
    b) Ability
    c) Offer

  3. It can rain heavily in this area during summer.
    a) Permission
    b) Possibility
    c) Inability

  4. Can I open the window?
    a) Permission
    b) Request
    c) Ability

  5. She can’t come to the party because she’s sick.
    a) Inability
    b) Possibility
    c) Offer

Exercise 4: Correct the mistakes

  1. He can plays the guitar very well.

  2. I can’t to find my keys anywhere.

  3. She can’t comes to the meeting tomorrow.

  4. They can drive, but they don’t have a car.

  5. Can you help me with fixing this?