Reflexive Pronouns: Rules, Explanation, and Common Mistakes

Reflexive pronouns are an important part of English grammar. They are used when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing. This article explains their rules, provides examples, corrects common mistakes, and includes exercises for practice.


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Reflexive Pronouns: Rules, Explanation, and Common Mistakes
Reflexive Pronouns: Rules, Explanation, and Common Mistakes

Reflexive Pronouns: Rules, Explanation, and Common Mistakes

Reflexive pronouns are an important part of English grammar. They are used when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing. This article explains their rules, provides examples, corrects common mistakes, and includes exercises for practice.

What Are Reflexive Pronouns?

Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a verb are the same. They end in "-self" (singular) or "-selves" (plural).

List of Reflexive Pronouns

  • Singular: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself

  • Plural: ourselves, yourselves, themselves

Examples of Reflexive Pronouns in Sentences
  • I cut myself while chopping vegetables.

  • She prepared the meal herself.

  • The cat licked itself clean.

  • We enjoyed ourselves at the party.

  • They blamed themselves for the mistake.

Rules for Using Reflexive Pronouns

  1. Use Reflexive Pronouns When the Subject and Object Are the Same

    • ✅ He looked at himself in the mirror.

    • ❌ He looked at him in the mirror. ("Him" suggests another person, not the same one.)

  2. Use Reflexive Pronouns for Emphasis (Intensive Pronouns)

    • ✅ I fixed the car myself. (Emphasizing that I did it alone.)

    • ✅ She decorated the house herself.

  3. Do Not Use Reflexive Pronouns in Place of Subject or Object Pronouns

    • ✅ She taught me English.

    • ❌ She taught myself English.

  4. Reflexive Pronouns Are Not Used After Prepositions of Place

    • ✅ She put the book beside her.

    • ❌ She put the book beside herself. (Incorrect unless she is referring to her own reflection or presence.)

  5. No Reflexive Pronoun with Certain Verbs (e.g., meet, feel, relax)

    • ✅ I feel good today.

    • ❌ I feel myself good today.

Common Mistakes with Reflexive Pronouns (With Corrections)

1. Using a Reflexive Pronoun Instead of an Object Pronoun

❌ My friend and myself went to the concert.
✅ My friend and I went to the concert.
Explanation: "Myself" cannot be used as a subject. "I" is correct.

2. Using a Reflexive Pronoun Instead of a Personal Pronoun

❌ He gave the gift to myself.
✅ He gave the gift to me.
Explanation: "Myself" is only used when the subject and object are the same.

3. Using Reflexive Pronouns Without a Subject

Himself went to the store.
He went to the store himself.
Explanation: Reflexive pronouns cannot be used alone as a subject.

4. Incorrect Use with Certain Verbs

❌ I relaxed myself after work.
✅ I relaxed after work.
Explanation: "Relax" does not require a reflexive pronoun.

Exercises: Practice Reflexive Pronouns

Exercise 1: Identify the Reflexive Pronouns

Find the reflexive pronoun in each sentence.

  1. She introduced herself to the new class.

  2. I taught myself how to play the piano.

  3. We made the cake ourselves.

  4. The dog entertained itself with the toy.

  5. They should be proud of themselves.

Exercise 2: Correct the Mistakes

Rewrite the sentences correctly.

  1. He looked at him in the mirror.

  2. My brother and myself went to the gym.

  3. She prepared the report her.

  4. They blamed them for the mistake.

  5. You should introduce you to the new teacher.

Exercise 3: Choose the Correct Reflexive Pronoun

  1. I hurt (myself / me) while playing football.

  2. The children cleaned (themselves / them) after playing in the mud.

  3. He fixed the bike (himself / him).

  4. We should believe in (ourselves / us).

  5. She completed the project (herself / her).

Exercise 4: Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Reflexive Pronoun

  1. I cooked the entire meal by _________.

  2. The cat licked _________ clean.

  3. We should take care of _________.

  4. They decided to go on vacation by _________.

  5. She designed her website all by _________.