Action Verbs: Rules, Explanation, and Common Mistakes

Action verbs are essential in English because they describe what a subject is doing. This article explains the rules for using action verbs, provides examples, corrects common mistakes, and includes exercises for practice.


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Action Verbs: Rules, Explanation, and Common Mistakes
Action Verbs: Rules, Explanation, and Common Mistakes

Action Verbs: Rules, Explanation, and Common Mistakes

Action verbs are essential in English because they describe what a subject is doing. This article explains the rules for using action verbs, provides examples, corrects common mistakes, and includes exercises for practice.

What Are Action Verbs?

Action verbs are words that express a physical or mental action. They show what someone or something is doing.

Examples of Action Verbs in Sentences
  • She runs every morning.

  • They write emails daily.

  • He thinks about his future.

  • We listen to music in the evening.

  • The cat jumps onto the table.

Rules for Using Action Verbs

1. Action Verbs Show an Activity

Action verbs describe what someone or something does.

  • ✅ The baby cries when she is hungry.

  • ✅ The teacher explains the lesson clearly.

2. Action Verbs Can Be Physical or Mental

  • Physical action: run, jump, swim, write, eat

  • Mental action: think, remember, believe, imagine


  • ✅ She remembers her childhood. (mental action)

  • ✅ He swims in the ocean every summer. (physical action)

3. Action Verbs Can Be in Different Tenses

Action verbs change depending on the tense used.

  • ✅ Present: She writes a book.

  • ✅ Past: She wrote a book last year.

  • ✅ Future: She will write a book next year.

4. Some Action Verbs Need an Object (Transitive Verbs)

  • ✅ She buys a new dress. (Object: a new dress)

  • ✅ He drinks coffee every morning. (Object: coffee)

Some verbs do not need an object (Intransitive Verbs)

  • ✅ She sleeps early. (No object needed)

  • ✅ They run fast. (No object needed)

Common Mistakes:

1. Using an Incorrect Verb Form

❌ She go to school every day.
✅ She goes to school every day.
Explanation: In the present simple, verbs must agree with the subject. For he, she, it, add -s to the verb.

2. Confusing Action Verbs with State Verbs

❌ I am knowing the answer.
✅ I know the answer.
Explanation: "Know" is a state verb, not an action verb, so it is not used in continuous tenses.

3. Forgetting the Object with Transitive Verbs

❌ She buys every weekend.
✅ She buys clothes every weekend.
Explanation: "Buys" is a transitive verb and requires an object.

4. Incorrect Past Tense Form

❌ He runned fast in the race.
✅ He ran fast in the race.
Explanation: "Run" is an irregular verb. The correct past tense is "ran."

Exercises: Practice Action Verbs

Exercise 1: Identify the Action Verbs

Find the action verb in each sentence.

  1. The dog barks loudly at night.

  2. She dances gracefully.

  3. We always study for exams.

  4. He forgets his keys often.

  5. They travel to new countries every year.

Exercise 2: Correct the Mistakes

Rewrite the sentences correctly.

  1. She walk to work every morning.

  2. They eated lunch at 12 p.m.

  3. The baby cries when he is happy.

  4. He thinking about his vacation.

  5. We buys groceries every weekend.

Exercise 3: Choose the Correct Action Verb

  1. She (writes / writing) emails every day.

  2. They (jump / jumped) into the pool yesterday.

  3. I (run / ran) five miles every morning.

  4. He (thinks / thinking) about his next move.

  5. We (will watch / watching) a movie tonight.

Exercise 4: Fill in the Blanks with an Action Verb

  1. She ________ a letter to her friend.

  2. The boy ________ the ball across the field.

  3. We ________ delicious food at the restaurant.

  4. He ________ in the marathon last year.

  5. They ________ to the concert next weekend.