Understanding the Auxiliary Verb "To Have"

The auxiliary verb "to have" plays a crucial role in English grammar, helping form perfect tenses, passive voice, and modal constructions. Understanding its correct usage improves sentence structure and clarity in both spoken and written communication.


2 min read


Understanding the Auxiliary Verb "To Have"

The auxiliary verb "to have" plays a crucial role in English grammar, helping form perfect tenses, passive voice, and modal constructions. Understanding its correct usage improves sentence structure and clarity in both spoken and written communication.

➤ What Is the Auxiliary Verb "To Have"?

The verb "to have" functions as an auxiliary (helping) verb when it is used with another verb to form a grammatical structure. It changes its form depending on tense and subject.

  • Present tense: have, has

  • Past tense: had

  • Future form: will have

  • Past participle: had

When used as an auxiliary verb, "to have" is always followed by the past participle of the main verb.

➤ Usage of "To Have" with Examples

✔ Forming Perfect Tenses

"To have" is used to create the present, past, and future perfect tenses by combining it with the past participle of the main verb.

  • Present Perfect: She has finished her homework.

  • Past Perfect: They had left before we arrived.

  • Future Perfect: By next year, I will have completed my degree.

✔ Forming the Passive Voice

"To have" is used in the passive voice when forming perfect tenses.

  • The work has been done by the team.

  • The report had been submitted before the deadline.

✔ Expressing Possession (When Used as a Main Verb)

Although "to have" can function as an auxiliary verb, it is also used as a main verb to express possession.

  • I have a new laptop.

  • She has two cats.

➤ Common Mistakes with "To Have" (With Corrections and Explanations)

❌ Mistake 1: Using the Wrong Form of "To Have" in Present Perfect

Incorrect: She have finished her work.
Correct: She has finished her work.
Explanation: In the present perfect tense, "has" is used with he, she, it, while "have" is used with I, you, we, they.

❌ Mistake 2: Forgetting "Had" in the Past Perfect Tense

Incorrect: They left before we arrived.
Correct: They had left before we arrived.
Explanation: The past perfect tense requires "had" + the past participle to indicate that one action happened before another in the past.

❌ Mistake 3: Omitting "Been" in Passive Voice

Incorrect: The book has written by the author.
Correct: The book has been written by the author.
Explanation: In the perfect passive voice, "to have" must be followed by "been" and the past participle.

❌ Mistake 4: Using "Will Have" Instead of "Have" in Present Perfect

Incorrect: I will have seen that movie already.
Correct: I have seen that movie already.
Explanation: "Will have" is used for the future perfect, not the present perfect.

➤ 4 Exercises on the Auxiliary Verb "To Have"

✔ Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "to have"

  1. She ____ never been to Paris before.

  2. By next week, they ____ completed the project.

  3. I ____ already finished my homework.

  4. He ____ left when we arrived.

✔ Exercise 2: Choose the correct form of "to have"

  1. She (have/has) traveled to many countries.

  2. They (had/have) been working for hours before the break.

  3. I (have/will have) finished my book by tomorrow.

  4. He (has/have) never seen a tiger before.

✔ Exercise 3: Correct the mistakes in these sentences

  1. He have been working here for five years. → Correct it: __________

  2. They had leave before we arrived. → Correct it: __________

  3. The project has complete. → Correct it: __________

  4. She will has a new job next year. → Correct it: __________

✔ Exercise 4: Write sentences using "to have" in different tenses

  • Present Perfect

  • Past Perfect

  • Future Perfect

  • Present Perfect Passive